Mom and daughter, 7, found dead from possible double homicide in Westport home…
#mom #daughter #7yo #Westport #Conn #1.8Mdollar #LyndalePark #homicide #investigation #died #2021
Mom and daughter, 7, found dead from possible double homicide in Westport home…
#mom #daughter #7yo #Westport #Conn #1.8Mdollar #LyndalePark #homicide #investigation #died #2021
Satan’ Geldof: Bob is only interested in Tiger Lily’s inheritance, says granny…
#2007 #satanism #BobGeldof #media #music #MichaelHutchence #died #suicide #hanging #PatriciaGlassop #TigerLilyHutchence #Australia #PaulaYates #overdose #drugs #PeachesGeldof
Life after death row: Man wrongfully convicted of murdering three young boys in a Satanic ritual talks about rebuilding his life in Salem after 18 years behind bars…
#2013 #satanism #ritual #murder #DamienEchols #deathrow #released #Salem #Massachusetts #JohnnyDepp #EddieVedder #DaveNavarro #media #music #occutl #Arkansas #JasonBaldwin #JessieMisskelleyJr #ChrisByers #MichaelMoore #SteveBranch #died #sacrifice #PeterJackson #WestofMemphis #LuciaCoale #EdSchutte #ToddMoore
The Satanists of Ash Tree Close: ‘Evil’ paedophile found guilty of running sex cult from cul-de-sac in seaside village…
#2011 #satanic #cult #pedophile #sexualassault #rape #ColinBatley #recidivist #48 #EyeofHorus #ElaineBatley #Wales #JacquelineMarling #42 #ShellyMillar #11 #ElaineBatley #ritual #blackmass #AleisterCrowley #SandraIveson #cp #DamianBatley #died #suicide #hanging
‘I am the devil’: Former classmate reveals school gunman had ‘online devil worshiping page’ as childhood barber recounts how he never spoke and just stared at floors…
#2012 #SandyHook #murder #religion #satanism #AdamLanza #NancyLanza #died #TrevorTodd #BobSkuba #DianeHarty #WayneCarver #Connecticut #RichCollins #17 #JoshuaFlashman #CodyMcCubbin
Satan worshipper killed and skinned his mother on ‘unholy day’ that demands for a ritual human sacrifice…
#2013 #religion #satanism #ritual #murder #MoisesMerazEspinoza #21 #AmeliaEspinoza #42 #died #HebaMatta #666 $#LosAngeles #22 #11 #ThomasMcKnewJr #JonathanRoberts
Sickening smile of teen accused of kidnapping, raping and murdering 15-year-old girl in ‘satanic ritual’ so his friend could ‘sell his soul to the Devil’…
#2014 #religion #satanism #Texas #JoseReyes #17 #kidnapping #rape #murder #CorriannCervantes #died #ritual
Were six deaths attributed to the ‘Curse of Tutankhamun’ actually murders by arch-satanist Aleister Crowley?…
#2011 #satanism #religion #AleisterCrowley #murder #Egypt #Luxor #London #MarkBeynon #HowardCarter #RichardBethellJr #died #ErnestBudge #AliFahmyBey #SavoyHotel #MarieMargueriteBey #RaoulLoveday #Oxford #blood #ritual #AubreyHerbert #BathClub #RichardBethellSr #77 #accident #EdgarSteele #Thelema
Husband who ‘murdered his wife and posted a photo of her body on Facebook’ claims he killed her in self-defense because she abused him and worshiped Satan…
#2015 #satanism #religion #Facebook #DerekMedina #33 #murder #JenniferAlfonso #died #SaamZangeneh #Florida #ScottDunn #BruceBates
Cannabis-smoking satanist admits knifing vicar to death in act of ‘inhuman savagery’…
#2007 #religion #satanism #murder #GeraintEvans #24 #recidivist #PaulBennett #died #GeorginaBennett #22 #Wales #JohnJenkins #NicholasCooke #11
‘I felt like the devil was possessing me’: Psychiatrist reveals Manhattan nanny said SATAN told her to stab two children in her care to death…
#2018 #YoselynOrtega #murder #suicide #LuluKrim #LeoKrim #died #satanism #religion
Nurse died in mysterious circumstances after claiming she was sexually abused by satanic cult following controversial recovered memory therapy session…
#2015 #religion #satanism #cult #CarolMyers #CarolFelstead #died #sexualabuse #FionaWilcox #murder #FleurFisher #UK
Tourist couple are found dead after performing satanic suicide ceremony at a Greek guesthouse on New Year’s Eve…
#2018 #religion #satanism #ritual #Greece #LiliaBotuseva #died #suicide #AngelikiTsiola #NeosKosmos
Jailed Satanist who murdered cellmate for kicks has ‘life meaning life’ sentence cut despite saying he would kill again…
#2009 #religion #satanism #murder #ClementMcNally #AnthonyHesketh #died #UK
Teenage Satanist ‘confesses’ to burning down 250-year-old wooden church built for Catherine the Great in Russia…
#2018 #satanism #religion #arson #Russia #IlyaKornilov #VargVikernes #murder #ØysteinAarseth #died #Norway #LarisaSharapova #TatianaVakhrameeva
Sex abuse and Satanism with a man called ‘Forrest’ twice her age: How depravity, drugs and divorce warped the fragile mind of teen girl ‘Dexter’ killer who claims to have murdered 22…
#2014 #religion #satanism #22 #MirandaBarbour #13 #Forrest #Alaska #NorthCarolina #ElytteBarbour #TroyLaFerrara #42 #died #murder #Richard Fernandez #sexualabuse #sexualassault #cp #recidivist #17 #ArlinFletcher #LaReaFletcher #11
Fan of ‘black metal’ band stabs their lead singer to death for ‘not being Satanic enough’…
#2014 #media #music #satanism #Thailand #murder #SamongTraisattha #Avaejee #36 #died #JaruvanSurapol #PrakarnHarnphanbusakorn
‘Cannibal frat boy’ Austin Harrouff researched psychic powers, schizophrenia and how he could ‘sell his soul to the devil’ before he ‘murdered a Florida couple and ate the husband’s face’…
#2016 #fraternity #satanism #Florida #AustinHarrouff #murder #cannibalism #MichelleMishcon #JohnStevensIII #died #NellieKing #MinaHarrouff
Man accused of killing Philly Dunkin’ manager now charged with killing own mother…
A suspected serial killer charged in the fatal shooting of a Philadelphia Dunkin’ store manager has been nabbed in his mother’s murder, prosecutors said. Keith Gibson, 39, will face murder charges in connection to the shooting death of his mother, Christine Gibson, in February, the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office announced on Wednesday. #suspected #serialkiller # DunkinStore #manager #KeithGibson #39 #murder #chargers #Philadelphia #ChristineGibson #39 #died #2021
Arizona gunman goes on traffic shooting rampage, leaving one dead, 12 injured…
A lone gunman is under arrest after terrorizing drivers outside Phoenix during a one-and-a-half hour shooting rampage that killed one person and injured 12 others Thursday. #suspectincustody #lonegunman #shooting #rampage 1 dead #12 injured #AZ #died #2021