Tag: died

2-year-old girl dies after swallowing battery from remote control


A 2-year-old English girl has died after she swallowed a battery from a remote control — and now safety officials are warning parents about the tot’s death, according to a report.
Harper-Lee Farnthorpe mistakenly ingested the coin-sized battery from a remote control in her bedroom last month at her home in Staffordshire, Staffordshire Live reported. #Harper-LeeFarnthorpe #2 #StaffordshireLive #swallowed #battery #died #2021

Teen stabbed to death during dispute in NYC


A 15-year-old boy was stabbed to death during a dispute with an older man in Brooklyn on Thursday afternoon, police and sources said.
Tory Lovik was rushed to Kings County Hospital following the 3:30 p.m. incident in Stuyvesant Heights, and was later pronounced dead, according to police. #ToryLovik #15 #stabbed #dispute #Brooklyn #man #48 #KingsCountyHospital #died #2021

Motorcycle stuntman dies after crash during warm-up of record-breaking jump


A motorcycle stuntman died after a gnarly crash during the warm-up for a world record-breaking jump in Washington state on Thursday, authorities said. Alex Harvill, 28, landed short on the dirt ramp and flew over the handlebars during his practice try of the 351-foot Guinness World Record jump at the Moses Lake Airshow at the Grant County International Airport, KREM reported. #AlexHarvill #28 #stuntman #Washingtonstate #died #2021

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