The Apology by Eve Ensler review – my father, who abused me…
#2019 #media #EveEnsler #sexualabuse #ArthurEnsler #died #ritual
The Apology by Eve Ensler review – my father, who abused me…
#2019 #media #EveEnsler #sexualabuse #ArthurEnsler #died #ritual
Allison Mack gave prosecutors tape of Nxivm leader talking about branding members…
Nxivm sex-cult “slave master” Allison Mack helped federal prosecutors bolster their case against Keith Raniere by providing them with an audio recording of the leader talking about branding the group’s members.
#AllisonMack #38 #NXIVIM #slavemaster #KeithRaniere #120 #ritual #cult #guiltyplea #sentencing #racketeering #conspiracy #extortion #forcedlabor #JudgeNicholasGaraufis #trafficking #2021
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey ‘gave rapper Azealia Banks some of his beard hair to make amulet for protection from evildoers’…
#2018 #media #music #influencer #AzealiaBanks #Twitter #tech #JackDorsey #witchcraft #religion #satanism #ritual #Square
Life after death row: Man wrongfully convicted of murdering three young boys in a Satanic ritual talks about rebuilding his life in Salem after 18 years behind bars…
#2013 #satanism #ritual #murder #DamienEchols #deathrow #released #Salem #Massachusetts #JohnnyDepp #EddieVedder #DaveNavarro #media #music #occutl #Arkansas #JasonBaldwin #JessieMisskelleyJr #ChrisByers #MichaelMoore #SteveBranch #died #sacrifice #PeterJackson #WestofMemphis #LuciaCoale #EdSchutte #ToddMoore
The Satanists of Ash Tree Close: ‘Evil’ paedophile found guilty of running sex cult from cul-de-sac in seaside village…
#2011 #satanic #cult #pedophile #sexualassault #rape #ColinBatley #recidivist #48 #EyeofHorus #ElaineBatley #Wales #JacquelineMarling #42 #ShellyMillar #11 #ElaineBatley #ritual #blackmass #AleisterCrowley #SandraIveson #cp #DamianBatley #died #suicide #hanging
Enoch Powell accused of satanic sex abuse: Bishop of Durham gave his name to Met detectives…
#2016 #politics #police #EnochPowell #religion #satanism #sexualabuse #pedophile #ritual #DurhamButler #ScotlandYard #LeoAbse #DominicWalker #PaulButler #CyrilSmith #EdwardHeath
Satan worshipper killed and skinned his mother on ‘unholy day’ that demands for a ritual human sacrifice…
#2013 #religion #satanism #ritual #murder #MoisesMerazEspinoza #21 #AmeliaEspinoza #42 #died #HebaMatta #666 $#LosAngeles #22 #11 #ThomasMcKnewJr #JonathanRoberts
Sickening smile of teen accused of kidnapping, raping and murdering 15-year-old girl in ‘satanic ritual’ so his friend could ‘sell his soul to the Devil’…
#2014 #religion #satanism #Texas #JoseReyes #17 #kidnapping #rape #murder #CorriannCervantes #died #ritual
Were six deaths attributed to the ‘Curse of Tutankhamun’ actually murders by arch-satanist Aleister Crowley?…
#2011 #satanism #religion #AleisterCrowley #murder #Egypt #Luxor #London #MarkBeynon #HowardCarter #RichardBethellJr #died #ErnestBudge #AliFahmyBey #SavoyHotel #MarieMargueriteBey #RaoulLoveday #Oxford #blood #ritual #AubreyHerbert #BathClub #RichardBethellSr #77 #accident #EdgarSteele #Thelema
Tourist couple are found dead after performing satanic suicide ceremony at a Greek guesthouse on New Year’s Eve…
#2018 #religion #satanism #ritual #Greece #LiliaBotuseva #died #suicide #AngelikiTsiola #NeosKosmos
Students’ plan to perform satanic black mass ritual at Harvard angers Catholic church…
#2014 #education #religon #satanism #blackmass #ritual #Harvard #QueensHeadPub #SatanicTemple #TerrenceDonilon
‘Satanist’ is jailed for 22 years for raping and murdering a 21-year-old woman and drawing occult symbols on her body in Russia…
#2018 #satanism #ritual #22 #ArtemDylkov #IlonaYakovleva #21 #died #rape #murder
Police fear satanic cult snatched dead baby after horrified parents discovered the child had been taken from cemetery in Argentina…
#2018 #religion #satanism #ritual #Argentina #CiroAranda #died #AlbertoAranda #MaraAranda #AnaMariaCaro #MiguelJimenez #sexualabuse #11 #MarioSalto #murder
Newborn Easter lamb is DECAPITATED in sick ‘Satanic sacrifice’ as police arrest 11 revellers at 600-strong drug-fuelled rave…
#2017 #religion #satanism #satanic #ritual #sacrifice #Brighton #UK #11 #MartinCarr #13
Six-month pregnant woman is killed six kilometres along Route Six road in feared ‘666’ Satanic murder in Argentina…
#2017 #satanism #Argentina #666 #satanic #ritual #FernandaPereyra #died #murder #AgustinGarcia #FabianFlores #LucianoHernandez #OsvaldoCastillo #DiegoMarillan #arrested #SanLaMuerte #AdemarMaraguel #FrancoOrellano #PabloYancarelli #MarceloVelasco
‘I sold your soul to the devil’: Man with tattooed horns ‘performed a ‘Satanic ritual’ on his passed-out friend and cut her with a razor blade’…
#2018 #religion #satanism #satanic #ritual #Pennsylvania #KyleParker #21 #arrested #assault #recidivist #11
Woman ‘strangled her BDSM lover during rough sex’ then ‘chopped up the body as part of Satanic ritual, drained his blood and kept his head in the fridge’…
#2018 #religion #satanism #satanic #ritual #AnastasiaOnegina #21 #DmitrySinkevich #died #murder #occult #Russia #Baphomet #sacrifice #blood
The 15-year-old girl who was ‘kidnapped’ by MS-13, kept as a sex slave and sacrificed in satanic ritual because she ruined a gang leader called Diabolico’s shrine to Satan…
#2017 #religion #satanism #MS13 #rape #sacrifice #satanic #ritual #Diabolico #Texas #GenesisCornejo #died #murder #RosmeriCornejo #MiguelFlores #22 #DiegoRivera #arrested
The last goat standing: Satanism fear stalks village as animals are tortured and killed…
#2011 #satanism #religion #sacrifice #ritual #satanic #JimmySmall #66 #Gremlin #Cornwall #UK
Satan worshippers kill and eat four Russian teenagers after stabbing each of them 666 times…
#2008 #religion #satanism #Russia #ritual #cannibalism #666 #murder #17 #AnyaGorokhova #OlgaPukhova #VaryaKuzmina #AndreiSorokin #NikolaiOgolobyak #AlexanderVoronovic