Tag: released

Gene Siller killing suspect is rapper who was busted for DUI after murders


Bryan Rhoden — a 23-year-old rapper known as “B. Rod” — was finally busted for the slayings Thursday and charged with three counts of murder after Saturday’s bloody spree, which ended at the upscale Atlanta-area Pinetree Country Club. #B.Rod #23 #BryanRhoden #GeneSiller #46 #HenryValdez #46 #PaulPierson #76 #WouldbeRapper #DUI #IDfraud #arrested #released #re-arrested #CobbCounty #GA #murderer #2021

Bill Cosby, 83, returns to his Pennsylvania mansion after PA Supreme Court overturned his sexual assault conviction and freed him from prison two years into 10-year sentence because prosecutor promised in 2005 that he wouldn’t be charged


#SCIPhoenix #BillCosby #83 #arrested #convicted #10years #appealed #overturned #released #sexualassault #violent #predator #statuteoflimitations #PASupremeCourt #prosecutor #CamilleCosby #prosecutorpromise #10years #AndreaConstand #victim #2018 #2021

How a lenient NYC judge left a reputed gangbanger free to allegedly kill an innocent dad
A reputed teenage gang member with three gun busts in four months had his bail reduced by a Bronx judge — allowing him to get out of jail and allegedly fire a random shot that killed an innocent father of two. #EricVelasquez #RIP #died #lenientjudge #NYC #gangbanger #AlbertoRamirez #murderer #released #Bronx #SupremeCourtJustice #DenisBoyle #2021

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