Woman behind the arrest of faith healer John of God after claiming he was running a \’sex slave farm\’ commits suicide at her home in Barcelona dailymail.co.uk/news/article-666… #2019 #died #suicide #spain #SabrinaBittencourt #JohnofGod
Tag: died
Disney child star dies: Nikita Pearl Waligwa, 15, who starred in Queen of Katwe passes away from brain tumour dailymail.co.uk/news/article-800… #2020 #died #disney #NikitaPearlWaligwa #uganda
Jason Davis, troubled oil heir who voiced gentle giant Michael \’Mikey\’ Blumberg on Recess, dies age 35 dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/articl… #2020 #died #JasonDavis #NancyDavisRickel #media #philanthropy #MarvinDavis #BarbaraDavis #fox #RupertMurdoch #BrandonDavis #ParisHilton #causeunknown
Boyz N The Hood actress Esther Scott – who also worked on Beverly Hills, 90210 and Hart Of Dixie – dies at age 66 after suffering a heart attack dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/articl… #2020 #died #66 #EstherScott #66 #losangeles
Hollywood therapist Amie Harwick, ex-girlfriend of Drew Carey, dead in suspected murder chicago.suntimes.com/2020/2/17/2… #2019 #died #murder #DrewCarey #medicine #AmieHarwick #hollywood #GarethPursehouse
Flat-earther \’Mad\’ Mike Hughes, 64, died because parachute fell off homemade steam-powered rocket during launch in California – leaving daredevil doomed to plummet to earth dailymail.co.uk/news/article-803… #2020 #died #accident #influencer #MadMike #MikeHughes #barstow #WaldoStakes
Neighbour of Boris Johnson\’s parents is shot dead and her husband fighting for life in suspected murder-suicide bid in sleepy Somerset village near where the Prime Minister grew up dailymail.co.uk/news/article-803… #2020 #died #murder #suicide #DebbieZurick #JohnZurick #BorisJohnson #politics #Somerset
Italian \’bunga bunga\’ witness not killed with radioactive poison theguardian.com/world/2019/mar/2… #2019 #died #murder #ImaneFadil #33 #SilvioBerlusconi #bungabunga
Mark Hurd, co-CEO of Oracle, dies at 62 after illness cnbc.com/2019/10/18/mark-hurd-co… #2019 #died #tech #causeunknown #MarkHurd #HewittPackard #LarryEllison
Alan Krueger, former White House economist who researched minimum wage, dead by suicide nbcnews.com/politics/politics-ne… #died #2012 #suicide #politics #AlanKrueger #BillClinton #BarackObama #education #Princeton
Jeremy Richman (2019), father of Sandy Hook shooting victim Avielle Richman legacy.com/news/celebrity-deaths… #2019 #died #suicide #JeremyRichman #SandyHook #AvielleRichman #medicine #science #politics #AvielleFoundation #Connecticut
Missing homicide detective Joe Calabrese found dead nypost.com/2019/06/06/missing-ho… #2019 #police #nypd #died #suicide #JoeCalabrese #newyork
NYPD Dep. Chief Steven Silks Kills Self Just Before Forced Retirement defensemaven.io/bluelivesmatter/… #2019 #died #suicide #nypd #police #StevenSilks #newyork
Friederike Mayröcker, Grande Dame in German Literature, Dies at 96 nytimes.com/2021/06/04/books/fri… #died #germany #2021 #literature #friederikemayrocker
Former State Senator Linda Collins-Smith Found Dead, Death Being Investigated as a Possible Murder people.com/crime/former-arkansas… #2019 #died #politics #LindaCollinsSmith #murder #arkansas
Texas police chief, Army veteran, missing after being knocked overboard from boat – Chris Reed abcnews.go.com/US/texas-police-c… #2019 #died #texas #police #Houston #missing #education
\’It\’s hard to find words, my mind is flooded with memories of him today\’: Hillary Clinton announces on Twitter that her youngest brother Tony Rodham has died aged 65 dailymail.co.uk/news/article-711… #died #2019 #politics #HillaryClinton #TonyRodham #causeunknown
U.S. Commerce Department official Lola Gulomova killed in murder-suicide – Jason Rieff bnonews.com/index.php/2019/06/2-… #died #2019 #murder #suicide #LolaGulomova #washingtondc #NASA #WorldBank #JasonRieff #BarackObama
Mouseketeer death: Cops stepped on Dennis Day’s body but failed to find it for months, lawyer claims oregonlive.com/news/2019/10/mous… #2019 #died #media #disney #oregon #DennisDay #DanielBurda #murder
Brother of \’Shark Tank\’ star Barbara Corcoran found dead in Dominican Republic hotel room foxnews.com/entertainment/brothe… #2019 #died #media #SharkTank #BarbaraCorcoran #DominicanRepublic #JohnCorcoran #EmilyBurke #causeunknown