Tag: died

Fans mourn top runners killed in China marathon
Liang Jing, an ultramarathon champion, and Huang Guanjun, a hearing-impaired marathoner, were among 21 people who died in the 100km (60-mile) race. \”We\’ve lost masters of the sport. This is an earthquake for the domestic running circle,\” a Weibo user wrote. The runners got into trouble after the race was hit by freezing temperatures. #LiangJing #HuangGuanjun #GansuProvince #31 #34 #Died #2021

Lisa Shaw: Vaccine role in BBC presenter\’s death to be probed
A coroner will consider if the cause of BBC presenter Lisa Shaw\’s death might have been complicated by her having had the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine.
Her family said the 44-year-old was treated for blood clots days after her first jab. She died on Friday.
An interim fact-of-death certificate lists the vaccine as one of the possible factors being considered.
#BBC #Astra-Zeneca #LisaShaw #44 #Died #2021

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