U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas ranch mysanantonio.com/news/us-world/a… #2016 #died #politics #AntoninScalia #texas #causeunknown #FredBiery
Tag: died
Chris Cornell, Lead Singer of Soundgarden and Audioslave, Dead at 52 from Suicide – hanging people.com/music/chris-cornell-dead #2017 #died #suicide #hanging #media #music #ChrisCornell #Soundgarden #Audioslave #Detroit #MGMGrand
Barry and Honey Sherman were murdered, private investigators claim thestar.com/news/canada/2018/01/… #2018 #died #murder #BarrySherman #HoneySherman #canada #Apotex #medicine #science #75
Instagram Stars Killed in Private Plane Crash Shared Videos Before Fateful Flight to Las Vegas – Mariah Sunshine Coogan, Anand Patel, Helena Lagos, James Pedroza, Erik Valente and Iris Rodriguez Garcia people.com/human-interest/instag… #2019 #died #accident #influencer #arizona #MariahSunshineCoogan #AnandPatel #HelenaLagos #22 #JamesPedroza #ErikValente #IrisRodriguezGarcia
Italy\’s Carla Fracci, La Scala prima ballerina, dies at 84
Carla Fracci, an Italian cultural icon and former La Scala prima ballerina renowned for romantic roles alongside such greats as Rudolf Nureyev and Mikhail Baryshnikov, died Thursday at her home in Milan #Italy #Ballet #LaScala #Icon #CarlaFracci #84 #Died #2021
Gaming Community Mourns Sudden Passing Of Esports Legend Geoff ‘iNcontroL’ Robinson, 33 forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2019/… #2019 #died #gaming #tech #iNcontroL #GeoffRobinson #33 #influencer
Tragedy as boxing legend Barry McGuigan\’s actress daughter Danika dies aged 33 after losing cancer battle dailymail.co.uk/news/article-728… #2019 #died #33 #sport #BarryMcGuigan #media #DanikaMcGuigan #NikaMcGuigan
Fans mourn top runners killed in China marathon
Liang Jing, an ultramarathon champion, and Huang Guanjun, a hearing-impaired marathoner, were among 21 people who died in the 100km (60-mile) race. \”We\’ve lost masters of the sport. This is an earthquake for the domestic running circle,\” a Weibo user wrote. The runners got into trouble after the race was hit by freezing temperatures. #LiangJing #HuangGuanjun #GansuProvince #31 #34 #Died #2021
The Chuckle Brothers\’ older brother dies: Jimmy Patton, 87, passes away – leaving widow, 27, who he married two years ago dailymail.co.uk/news/article-729… #2019 #died #ChuckleBrothers #JimmyPatton #AmyPhillips
Tragedy as Cambridge student, 24, and son of Britain\’s top neuro-surgeon is found dead in swimming pool \’after house party at family\’s £3.5million mansion\’ dailymail.co.uk/news/article-729… #2019 #died #Cambridge #medicine #DominicHamlyn #PeterHamlyn #33 #causeunknown #24 #MichaelWatson
Lisa Shaw: Vaccine role in BBC presenter\’s death to be probed
A coroner will consider if the cause of BBC presenter Lisa Shaw\’s death might have been complicated by her having had the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine.
Her family said the 44-year-old was treated for blood clots days after her first jab. She died on Friday.
An interim fact-of-death certificate lists the vaccine as one of the possible factors being considered.
#BBC #Astra-Zeneca #LisaShaw #44 #Died #2021
Mother Teresa\’s Former Assistant Killed In A Bar Brawl In Wales newsweek.com/mother-teresas-form… #2019 #died #murder #MotherTheresa #religion #Wales #FullMoonPub #MarkBloomfield #ColinThomasPayne #MaryCresence
Woman who accused Indian politician of rape hit by truck along with lawyer and aunts after father dies of injuries in police station independent.co.uk/news/world/asi… #2019 #died #accident #rape #KuldeepSinghSengar #politics #BJPparty #india
Horror as Cambridge University biology student, 19, \’forces light aircraft door open\’ and plunges 5,000ft to her death during study trip to Madagascar dailymail.co.uk/news/article-730… #2019 #died #suicide #AlanaCutland #Madagascar #Cambridge
GAMER GUY Who was John Finch and what was his cause of death?
John Finch was Hi-Rez studio team member and a part of the SMITE community.
Finch became a staple of the pro community after storming onto \”The Caster,\” a SMITE casting competition held by Hi-Rez in 2017. #JohnFinch #Gamer #SMITE #Hi-Rez #28 #Died #2021
Grant Thompson Dies In Paragliding Accident: YouTube’s ‘King Of Random’ Star Was 38 deadline.com/2019/07/grant-thomp… #2019 #died #accident #influencer #KingofRandom #GrantThompson #utah
Chappaquiddick Witness and Confidante of Ted Kennedy, Paul Markham, Dies at 89 – Kennedy claimed that he and Markham tried to save Mary Jo Kopechne after the July 18, 1969 car accident people.com/politics/paul-markham… #2019 #1969 #Chappaquiddick #TedKennedy #PaulMarkham #died #MaryJoKopechne #13 #JoeGargan #poiltics
Saoirse Kennedy Hill wrote movingly about how \’someone I knew and loved broke serious sexual boundaries with me\’ leading to an attempted suicide – years before she took an apparent overdose at the family compound dailymail.co.uk/news/article-731… #2019 #suicide #died #drugs #SaoirseKennedyHill #22 #sexualassault #RobertFKennedy #Massachusetts #EthelKennedy #CourtneyHill #PaulMichaelHill #politics
BOXER PERNELL WHITAKER DEAD AT 55, HIT BY CAR IN VIRGINIA… Driver Not Arrested tmz.com/2019/07/15/pernell-whita… #2019 #died #accident #PernellWhitaker #sport #55 #FloydMayweather #VirginiaBeach