Tag: died

Princess Diana gasped, ‘Oh my God, what’s happened?’ after fatal crash: fire chief


A fire chief who was one of the first to help Princess Diana after her fatal road crash in Paris has spoken for the first time of how she turned to him and asked, “Oh my God, what’s happened?” Sgt. Xavier Gourmelon told the Daily Mail that when he arrived at the devastating crash scene in August 1997, Diana was still “moving and talking.”

#PrincessDiana #XavierGourmelon #royalty #accident #DodiFayed #FredericMailliez #YvesMarielochardBossuet #Mercedes #NoMakeup #died #1997 #2021

13-year-old Zaniya Wright found strangled in Connecticut


A 13-year-old Connecticut girl was found strangled to the death in the basement of an apartment building, reports said.

Zaniya Wright was found Friday morning in Manchester, a day after she was reported missing, in a “common area” of a building where her family doesn’t live

#ZaniyaWright #13 #Connecticut #strangled #missing #bullied #murder #died #2021

Joanne Linville, of ‘Star Trek’ and ‘Twilight Zone’ fame, dead at 93


Joanne Linville, a prolific actress best known for playing a Romulan commander in an episode of “Star Trek,” died Sunday. She was 93. #JoanneLinville #93 StarTrek #TwilightZone #Romulan #Columbo #Kojak #Dynasty #CharliesAngels #LALaw #Gunsmoke #StreetsofSanFrancisco #HawaiiFiveO #Route66 #BarnabyJones #AlfredHitchcockPresents #BarbraStreisand #KrisKristofferson #Scorpio #BurtLancaster #LeonardNimoy #Hollywood #died #2021

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