Tag: 11

Sex abuse and Satanism with a man called ‘Forrest’ twice her age: How depravity, drugs and divorce warped the fragile mind of teen girl ‘Dexter’ killer who claims to have murdered 22


#2014 #religion #satanism #22 #MirandaBarbour #13 #Forrest #Alaska #NorthCarolina #ElytteBarbour #TroyLaFerrara #42 #died #murder #Richard Fernandez #sexualabuse #sexualassault #cp #recidivist #17 #ArlinFletcher #LaReaFletcher #11

‘There’s going to be hell to pay’: Church of Satan threatens to ‘hex’ arsonist who burned down their famous ‘Halloween House’ owned by ‘dark Martha Stewart’ who performed NY state’s first same-sex, Satanic wedding


#2021 #religion #ChurchofSatan #arson #HalloweenHouse #NewYork #WitchDistrict #JoeMendillo #AntonLaVey #PeterGilmore #RedCross #11 #MatthewCamp #EdwardWoodJr #ChrisPetsas

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