Acting OMB head won’t say if Biden budget will fund Wuhan lab…
#ShalandaYoung #JasonSmith #OMB #GOP #NIH #Fauci #WuhanLab Appropriations #EcoHealth #GrantMoney #2021
Category: News
U.S. Attorney Announces Charges Against 19 Defendants For The Sex Trafficking Of Minor Girls And Young Women In New York State’s Child Welfare System…
#2019 #GeoffreyBerman #WilliamSweeney #NYPD #FBI #trafficking #prostitution #minors #welfaresystem #HumanTraffickingandChildExploitationTaskForce #CarltonVanier #RubenMorciglio #SaeedNorris #LloydKidd #LuidiBenjamin #LawrenceWalsh #CimmieWright #AdrienneRoberts #ChristopherBullock #DarielBraham #StevenLesane #HubertDupigny #HensleyDupigny #NazeerVickers #SeanMerchant #ReubenSands #MartiqueMcGriff #JermainMyrie #JabariKennedy #pedophile
Nearly 1,700 Suspected Child Sex Predators Arrested During Operation “Broken Heart”…
#2019 #pedophile #BrokenHeart #DoJ #InternetCrimesAgainstChildren #ICAC #childpornography #sexualabuse #BillBarr #OfficeofJusticePrograms #OJP #trafficking #OfficeofJuvenileJusticeandDelinquencyPrevention #OJJDP #MattDummermuth #AttorneyGeneral
Twitter\’s April 3 2020 letter to Senators stating they don\’t ban any accounts of government officials, even when American law requires them to do so as it\’s in the public interest to read the tweets of those officials.…
#2020 #Twitter #censorship #tech #VijayaGadde #legal #publicpolicy
Sen. Cruz Vows to Hold Chinese Officials Involved in Coronavirus Coverup Accountable…
#coronavirus #Coverup #pandemic #TedCruz #CCP #WHO #Wuhan #Chinese #propaganda #humanrights #violations #suppression #censorship
Head of US-Soviet Friendship Group Arrested…
#1989 #FBI #AlanThomson #NationalCouncilofAmericanSovietFriendship #JohnCaden #PeoplesPeaceAppeal #UN #intelligence #disinformation #SovietCommunistParty #USSR #SocietyforFriendshipandCulturalRelationswithForeignCountries #RoyGodson #NationalStrategyInformationCenter #ValentinFalin #MikhailGorbachev #Kremlin #KGB #StanislavLevchenko
Amid Capitol riot, FBI released files from Kennedy-era investigation into Nancy Pelosi’s father…
#2021 #FBI #NancyPelosi #ThomasDAlesandroJr #congressman #mayor #AmericanCommitteeforProtectionofForeignBorn #NationalCouncilofAmericanSovietFriendship #TheInternationalWorkersOrder #FranklinDRooseveltDAllesandro #rape #pedophile #speakerofthehouse #Capitolriot #JFK #JEdgarHoover #Baltimore #CharlesFCammarata #WhiteHouse #payoffs #1966 #MildredStegall #LyndonBainesJohnson
How a lenient NYC judge left a reputed gangbanger free to allegedly kill an innocent dad…
A reputed teenage gang member with three gun busts in four months had his bail reduced by a Bronx judge — allowing him to get out of jail and allegedly fire a random shot that killed an innocent father of two. #EricVelasquez #RIP #died #lenientjudge #NYC #gangbanger #AlbertoRamirez #murderer #released #Bronx #SupremeCourtJustice #DenisBoyle #2021
Masters champ Angel Cabrera handcuffed, extradited over three partners’ assault claims…
BUENOS AIRES — Argentine golfer Ángel Cabrera was extradited from Brazil to his homeland on Tuesday to face trial on charges he assaulted three former partners. #AngelCabrera #51 #golfer #assault #extradited #2021
Teen cousins accused of fatally shooting 17-year-old in botched drug deal…
A pair of 16-year-old cousins are accused of fatally shooting a 17-year-old boy at a Florida park during a drug deal gone bad, a report said.
The teen suspects were arrested Tuesday and are facing murder charges in the killing of Taigur Taguri at Gordon Heights Park in Bartow on Monday, ClickOrlando reported, citing authorities. #JevonBerrien, Jr. #MargusJohnson #Taigur Taguri #arrested #murder #drugdealgonebad #2021
Oxford University professor Tariq Ramadan appears in court after admitting he had \’consensual sex\’ with his accusers… #2020 #education #Oxford #TariqRamadan #France #HendaAyari #CarolineFourest
Steven Spielberg’s daughter Mikaela opens up about ‘abuse’ by ‘monsters’ as she announces career as adult entertainerttps:// #2020 #media #StevenSpielberg #Mikaelapielberg #abuse #grooming
This is what feds found when they seized the child-porn stash of an ex-NOPD cop… #2020 #police #NewOrleans #sexualabuse #StanleyBurkhardt #cp #pedophile #JamesDever #recidivist
Daughter, 27, of former Bush cabinet member and UN ambassador John Negroponte is charged with murder for \’stabbing man, 24, to death during an argument\’ at a home in Maryland… #2020 #politics #JohnNegroponte #SophiaNegroponte #arrested #murder #YousufRasmussen #24 #Maryland #JohnNegroponte #UN #GeorgeBush #Honduras #BillClinton #RonaldReagan #DianaNegroponte
British multi-millionaire former hedge fund manager has his £14.7million Hyde Park mansion seized by Danish authorities after being accused of £1.5billion fraud… #2020 #finance #UK #Denmark #SanjayShah #fraud #JackIrvine
Former Wichita Teacher Charged With Sex Crimes With Teen… #2020 #education #politics #Kansas #sexualabuse # RodneyWren #39 #NathanWasher #JohnRapp
Strongsville priest now faces federal charges for juvenile sex trafficking… #2020 #religion #trafficking #Ohio #RobertMcWilliams
UM official \’fired\’ doctor accused of sex abuse, but he stayed on another 24 years… #2020 #education #medicine #Universityof Michigan #Michigan #RobertAnderson #fired
Rick James \’told a girl, 15, to \”quit moving or I\’ll cut you\” as he raped her at home for troubled youths in 1979\’, lawsuit claims, as she sues late star\’s estate for $50m… #2020 #media #music #RickJames #rape #NewYork #DarrenSeilback #JamesJohnsonJr #recidivist #died #2004 #overdose #drugs
Former Kalamazoo pastor\’s wife, accused in sex scandal, surrenders to police… #2021 #religion #Michigan #JazmoniqueStrickland #StricjavvarSrickland #arrested #sexualassault #trafficking