New Apollo director says he’s stepping down over ‘conflict of interest’


Earlier this month, the private-equity giant revealed in a little-noticed securities filing that Siddhartha Mukherjee — an oncologist and Pulitzer Prize winner who lately has become a COVID vaccine guru — “will not stand for reelection” after he completes a one-year stint as an independent director on Apollo’s board that began March 1. #SiddharthaMukherjee #oncologist #ApolloGlobalMgmt #conflictofinterest #CovidVaccineGuru #PulitzerPrizewinner #LeonBlack #CEO #departure #jeffreyepstein #$158M #services #sexualmisconduct #RobertKraft #2021

Chiefs’ Frank Clark arrested for allegedly possessing Uzi in car


Kansas City Chiefs pass rusher Frank Clark is facing a felony weapons charge — illegal possession of a firearm — following his Sunday night arrest in Los Angeles, according to TMZ.com. Clark was said found to be carrying an Uzi when pulled over in his Lamborghini SUV on a traffic stop. #arrested #FrankClark #28 #KCChiefs #felonyweapons #illegalpossession #firearm #LamborghiniSUV #LosAngeles #football #Seahawks #2021

13-year-old Zaniya Wright found strangled in Connecticut


A 13-year-old Connecticut girl was found strangled to the death in the basement of an apartment building, reports said.

Zaniya Wright was found Friday morning in Manchester, a day after she was reported missing, in a “common area” of a building where her family doesn’t live

#ZaniyaWright #13 #Connecticut #strangled #missing #bullied #murder #died #2021

Allison Mack gave prosecutors tape of Nxivm leader talking about branding members


Nxivm sex-cult “slave master” Allison Mack helped federal prosecutors bolster their case against Keith Raniere by providing them with an audio recording of the leader talking about branding the group’s members.

#AllisonMack #38 #NXIVIM #slavemaster #KeithRaniere #120 #ritual #cult #guiltyplea #sentencing #racketeering #conspiracy #extortion #forcedlabor #JudgeNicholasGaraufis #trafficking #2021

Eli Manning is returning to the Giants


Manning on Monday made official his return to the only NFL franchise he ever played for, accepting a role with the team in business development, marketing and community and corporate relations — a non-football role #businessdevelopment #marketing #community-corporaterelations #alwaysagiant #SuperBowl #NYGiants #quarterback #10 #RingofHonor #MetLifeStadium #football #2021

Joanne Linville, of ‘Star Trek’ and ‘Twilight Zone’ fame, dead at 93


Joanne Linville, a prolific actress best known for playing a Romulan commander in an episode of “Star Trek,” died Sunday. She was 93. #JoanneLinville #93 StarTrek #TwilightZone #Romulan #Columbo #Kojak #Dynasty #CharliesAngels #LALaw #Gunsmoke #StreetsofSanFrancisco #HawaiiFiveO #Route66 #BarnabyJones #AlfredHitchcockPresents #BarbraStreisand #KrisKristofferson #Scorpio #BurtLancaster #LeonardNimoy #Hollywood #died #2021

Anthony Bourdain’s NYC apartment up for rent with $2,200 price cut


The late “Parts Unknown” host first rented the split two-bedroom, two-bathroom residence in 2016 for $13,000 per month, until his death in 2018, when he took his own life. In August 2018, two months after the celebrity chef’s suicide, the Upper West Side apartment was back up for rent at $14,200 per month. It rented out a month later.

#AnthonyBourdain #NYapartment #12 #suicide #2018

Ex-MLB star Ben Zobrist’s fraudulent priest slept with his wife: lawsuit


Ben Zobrist’s dirty laundry is getting aired out.
Zobrist, who retired from a 14-season MLB career in March 2020, learned that his wife was having an affair with their pastor, according to court documents that surfaced last week. The same minister is also accused of defrauding Zobrist’s charity, where he was employed. #BenZobrist #40 #ex-infielder #MLB #ByronYawn #pastor #CEO #ForrestCrain #JuliannaZobrist #divorce #2021

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