How a lenient NYC judge left a reputed gangbanger free to allegedly kill an innocent dad
A reputed teenage gang member with three gun busts in four months had his bail reduced by a Bronx judge — allowing him to get out of jail and allegedly fire a random shot that killed an innocent father of two. #EricVelasquez #RIP #died #lenientjudge #NYC #gangbanger #AlbertoRamirez #murderer #released #Bronx #SupremeCourtJustice #DenisBoyle #2021

Teen cousins accused of fatally shooting 17-year-old in botched drug deal
A pair of 16-year-old cousins are accused of fatally shooting a 17-year-old boy at a Florida park during a drug deal gone bad, a report said.
The teen suspects were arrested Tuesday and are facing murder charges in the killing of Taigur Taguri at Gordon Heights Park in Bartow on Monday, ClickOrlando reported, citing authorities. #JevonBerrien, Jr. #MargusJohnson #Taigur Taguri #arrested #murder #drugdealgonebad #2021

Maryland mom worried unemployment site woes will put her family on street
People who logged onto the unemployment site on Sunday to submit their weekly claim were told they need to reapply for benefits. The state tells Fox 5 it’s because of a federal rule that requires people who have been on unemployment for a year to reapply. But several days later, many people still can’t get onto the site to reapply because of a server overload. #LarryHogan #unemployment #fiasco #govenorsoffice #no reply #2020 #2021

At Least 7 Dead, Dozens Injured in Mexico Bus Crash Near US Border
At least seven people were killed and dozens were injured in a rollover bus crash south of Rosarito, Mexico, Tuesday night, according to the Tijuana Police Department. The bus, reportedly carrying more than 50 Hyundai factory workers, crashed along the Tijuana-Rosarito 2000 Corridor near Popotla. #Mexico #Bus #Crash #Border #Hyundai #Factoryworkers #Died #2021

Ex-Wisconsin pharmacist gets 3 years in prison for spoiling COVID-19 vaccine
The former Wisconsin pharmacist who intentionally destroyed more than 500 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine was sentenced to three years in prison on Tuesday.

Steven Brandenburg, 46, pleaded guilty in February to two felony counts of attempting to tamper with a consumer product. #StevenBrandenburg #46 #criminalintent #vaccine #tampering #criminal #2021

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