Italy slaps restrictions on Google’s Street View
Tag: tech
Report: Google accused of violating Italian law…
#2009 #Italy #tech #Google #CorradoCarnevali #NicoleWong #Gmail #SimonaPanseri
Here’s How Much Google Is Paying to Settle Tax Disputes in Italy
Google Found Liable For Autocomplete Suggestions In Italy
Google partners with anti-Semitic, pro-Hamas Muslim group
#2018 #tech #Google #YouTube #religion #ImamsOnline #MarvinHier #censorship #AlanDershowitz
Google Sued In Israel For Search Ad Trademark Dispute
Google Sued Over User-Generated Google Earth Content In Israel…
#2010 #Israel #tech #Google #GoogleEarth #lawsuit #Taiwan #politics
Google sued in Israeli court over Buzz
#2010 #Israel #tech #Google #GoogleBuzz #lawsuit #AmalJaraisy #55 #classaction #Gmail
Did Google Censor Alan Dershowitz Videos?…
#2018 #tech #Google #California #politics #education #Harvard #censorship #AlanDershowitz #YouTube #PragerUniversity #DennisPrager
Google faces Israeli lawsuit over controversial Prophet Muhammad video…
#2012 #Israel #tech #Google #religion #YouTube #TalebaSana #ZeusKerravala #DanOlds #GabrielConsultingGroup
Israel Fumes Over ‘Google Palestine’ Foreign Ministry Accuses Google of Meddling in International Politics
#2019 #Israel #tech #Google #Palestine #politics #MahmoudAbbas
Google blocks Iran site that falsely claimed Israel experiments on Palestinians…
#2019 #Iran #tech #Google #YouTube #HispanTV #censorship #Israel #medicine #science #Palestine
Google Deletes 39 YouTube Channels Pushing Iran’s Anti-Israel, Pro-Palestine, Nuke Deal Propaganda…
#2018 #Iran #tech #politics #Google #YouTube #39 #censorship #Palestine #Israel #13 #66 #Jigsaw #FireEye
Google May Be Sued by Iran for Leaving “Persian Gulf” off Maps
Iran Accuses Google of Being a Spy Engine…
#2012 #Iran #tech #Google #EsmailMoghaddam #RezaTaghipour #Facebook #Twitter
Mumbai Terrorists’ Use of Google Earth Re-ignites Concerns…
#2008 #India #tech #Google #terrorism #AbdulKalam #GoogleEarth #VSRamamoorthy
Microsoft, Google, Yahoo Sued for Sex Selection Ads in India…
#2008 #India #tech #Google #Microsoft #Yahoo #lawsuit #Orkut #YouTube #RishiJaitly
Big tech accused of avoiding $2.8bn in tax to poorest countries
Google accused of anticompetitive app payment policies in India