Amazon exec’s husband jailed for two years for insider trading. Yes, with Amazon stock…
#VikyBohra #LakshaBohra #Amazon #Fraud #Tech #2021
Amazon exec’s husband jailed for two years for insider trading. Yes, with Amazon stock…
#VikyBohra #LakshaBohra #Amazon #Fraud #Tech #2021
Award-winning scientist who was struggling to make Theranos blood test machines work committed suicide amid fears Silicon Valley firm’s 32-year old CEO was about to fire him, claims his wife…
#2016 #tech #science #Theranos #IanGibbons #died #suicide #ElizabethHolmes #RochelleGibbons #California
Two suicides are linked to Ashley Madison leak: Texas police chief takes his own life just days after his email is leaked in cheating website hack…
#2015 #tech #AshleyMadison #hack #police #MichaelGorhum #died #suicide #Texas
You are NOT allowed to commit suicide: Workers in Chinese iPad factories forced to sign pledges
Facebook failed to stop man, 50, live-streaming his own ‘suicide by hanging’ to 400 viewers despite dozens of warnings from horrified users…
#2020 #tech #Facebook #JonathanBailey #JonathanBazza #died #suicide #hanging #UK #LucyBailey #22
American Bitcoin exchange CEO found dead in her Singapore home after suspected suicide at age 28…
#2014 #tech #crypto #AutumnRadtke #died #suicide #Apple #FirstMeta #Singapore #DouglasAdams #22 #RichardBranson #Virgin
Tesla is sued by family of man, 44, who was run over and killed by a car on Autopilot after driver fell asleep behind the wheel…
#2020 #tech #Tesla #California #YoshihiroUmeda #44 #died #accident #TomomiUmeda #MiyuUmeda
AGs from 44 states warn Mark Zuckerberg NOT to create a new Instagram for under 13s, but Facebook signal they will press ahead regardless
Spotify Deletes 42 Joe Rogan Episodes, Including Milo Yiannopoulos and Chris D’Elia…
#2021 #tech #Spotify #censorship #42 #JoeRogan #TheJoeRoganExperience #MiloYiannopoulos #ChrisDElia #DaveAsprey
Daniel Kaminsky, Internet Security Savior, Dies at 42…
#2021 #tech #DanielKaminsky #died #42 #California #TobyMaurer #TrudyMaurer #PaulVixie #SonyBMG
Father ‘driven to suicide after he was wrongly accused of being a paedophile on Facebook’…
#2013 #tech #Facebook #doxed #pedophile #StevenRudderham #48 #died #suicide #hanging #LatifuSanni
The Brilliant Life and Tragic Death of Aaron Swartz…
#2013 #tech #politics #AaronSwartz #died #suicide #hanging #NewYork #Reddit #SOPA #CoryDoctorow #BoingBoing #TimBernersLee
Cops find six NOOSES hanging at an Amazon construction site in Connecticut after being called out three days in a row for similar incidents… #2021 #tech #Amazon #Connecticut #AndrewPower #ScotXEsdaile
Mark Zuckerberg’s Household Staff Hit With Assault, Sexual Harassment Allegations… #2020 #tech #MarkZuckerberg #Facebook #PriscillaChan #ShawnSmith #sexualharassment #LiamBooth
Self-driving car engineer Anthony Levandowski pleads guilty to stealing Google trade secrets… #2020 #tech #Google #Uber #Waymo #Alphabet #AnthonyLevandowski #theft #33 #California
Look out, Tim Cook: Mark Zuckerberg posts bizarre video of himself throwing spears and destroying bowling pins with a bow and arrow as he ups war with Apple #2021 #tech #MarkZuckerberg #Facebook #TimCook #Apple
More than half of sex trafficking victims in the U.S. last year were recruited on Facebook, bombshell report reveals… #2021 #tech #trafficking #Facebook #Snapchat #HumanTraffickingInstitute #VictorBoutros
Twitter\’s April 3 2020 letter to Senators stating they don\’t ban any accounts of government officials, even when American law requires them to do so as it\’s in the public interest to read the tweets of those officials.…
#2020 #Twitter #censorship #tech #VijayaGadde #legal #publicpolicy