Tag: prosecutor

Bill Cosby, 83, returns to his Pennsylvania mansion after PA Supreme Court overturned his sexual assault conviction and freed him from prison two years into 10-year sentence because prosecutor promised in 2005 that he wouldn’t be charged


#SCIPhoenix #BillCosby #83 #arrested #convicted #10years #appealed #overturned #released #sexualassault #violent #predator #statuteoflimitations #PASupremeCourt #prosecutor #CamilleCosby #prosecutorpromise #10years #AndreaConstand #victim #2018 #2021

Madeleine McCann disappearance \’could be solved within months\’ German prosecutor claims following successful appeal for witnesses
Wolter said suspect Christian Brueckner would be questioned \’at the end of the investigation\’, adding that the public will be informed of the result and any further details once the probe had concluded.
#ChristianBrueckner #suspect #German #prosecutor # investigation #disappearance #Portugal #2007 #2021

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