Tributes paid to Slapshock vocalist Jamir Garcia, dead at 42…
#2020 #media #music #Philippines #Slapshock #JamirGarcia #VladimirGarcia #died #42 #suicide #hanging
Tributes paid to Slapshock vocalist Jamir Garcia, dead at 42…
#2020 #media #music #Philippines #Slapshock #JamirGarcia #VladimirGarcia #died #42 #suicide #hanging
Remembrance: Atlanta poet and professor Molly Brodak, 1980–2020
Remembrance: Atlanta poet and professor Molly Brodak, 1980–2020
#2020 #media #education #Georgia #MollyBrodak #died #suicide #BlakeButler #NoraTavalieri #RebeccaGale
Janet Cawley, beloved Fox News senior editor, dead at 75…
Legendary Fox News Digital senior editor Janet Cawley died at age 75. Cawley, who died on June 6 from gallbladder cancer that was diagnosed in early 2020, had a master’s touch in writing, editing and was a beloved figure in the Fox News newsroom who made a lasting impact on anyone fortunate enough to work with her. #gallbladdercancer #JanetCawley #75 #FoxSeniorEditor #beloved #journalist #news #died #2021
Uncle of Darnella Frazier killed when cops hit his car during chase…
The Minnesota teenager who shot the viral video of George Floyd’s police-custody death says her uncle was killed in a police car chase on Tuesday, according to reports. Darnella Frazier, a witness at the murder trial of ex-cop Derek Chauvin in Floyd’s death, said her uncle, Leneal Lamont Frazier, died after a Minneapolis squad car smashed into his vehicle while chasing a robbery suspect. #DarnellaFrazier #uncle #carchase #LenealLamontFrazier #died #DerekChauvin #GeorgeFloyd #viralvideo #MN #2021
Robert Downey Sr., actor and filmmaker dad of Robert Jr., dead at 85…
Robert Downey Sr., the filmmaker, actor and father of Robert Downey Jr., has died. He was 85. Downey Sr. died in his sleep, his wife said, at his New York City home Wednesday, according to the Sun. He celebrated his 85th birthday last month. #RobertDowneySr #85 #died #filmmaker #actor #RobertDowneyJr #NYCity #BoogieNights #Magnolia #ToLiveandDieInLA #Parkinsons #2021
Baseball coach shot dead driving on highway after possible road rage incident…
#roadrage #shooting #youthcoach #baseball #MN #died #JayBoughton #Highway169 #PerpAtLarge #2021
Actress Tawny Kitaen, Star of ’80s Rock Music Videos, Dies at 59…
#2021 #media #music #TawnyKitaen #died #causeunknown #California #WynterKitaen #RaineKitaen #CelebrityRehab #DrewPinsky #DavidCoverdale #ChuckFinley
‘Tarzan’ Actor Joe Lara Among Seven Plane Crash Victims in Tennessee…
#2021 #media #Tennessee #JoeLara #died #accident #GwenShamblinLara #11 #JoshuaSanders #JenniferMartin #DavidMartin #JessicaWalters #BrandonHannah #religion #WeightDownMinistries
Rapper OTF DThang Fatally Shot Outside of Illinois Strip Club…
#2021 #media #music #Illinois #LilDurk #DurkBanks #OTFDThang #died #murder #SinicaPrice #39
‘Cops’ Creator John Langley Dies During Off-Road Race in Mexico…
#2021 #media #JohnLangley #died #heartattack #Mexico #PamGolum #MalcolmBarbour #Fox #Viacom #SpikeTV #Paramount #LangleyProductions
Terry Donahue, Former UCLA Coach and 49ers GM, Dies at 77…
#2021 #sport #education #UCLA #TerryDonahue #died #77 #cancer
Navid Afkari: Executed Iranian wrestling star’s voice is ‘everywhere now’…
#2021 #sport #NavidAfkari #died #hanged #executed #27 #Iran #22 #17 #69 #33 #HassanYounesi
Columbus Blue Jackets goaltender Matiss Kivlenieks, 24, dies after being struck in the chest by out-of-control mortar firework during July 4 hot tub party…
#2021 #sport #NHL #MatissKivlenieks #24 #died #accident #Michigan #JarmoKekalainen #JasonMeier
My father, the polo-playing Casanova: Daughter of Luis Basualdo who taught Prince Charles the art of seduction says she was ‘mortified’ by his playboy reputation and spent years estranged from him during drink and drug battles…
#2020 #sport #LuisBasualdo #75 #died #royalty #PrinceCharles #CharlotteMethven #LucyPearson #UK #ChristinaOnassis #17 #ClareLawman #JanLeech #13
Golf pro likely shot dead for witnessing an ‘active crime,’ cops say…
Gene Siller, 41, was likely shot and killed Saturday because he stumbled on and “witnessed an active crime taking place,” Cobb County police told WGCL-TV. Paul Pierson, the owner of the pickup truck, and an unidentified man had both been shot to death and left in the bed of the truck. #GeneSiller #41 #PaulPierson #unidentifiedvictim #murdered #died #killeratlarge #GA #2021
Triple killer who beat her fiancée to death with a slab of wood fights court order proposing she report any change in her appearance due to her gender transition to authorities after jail release…
#2021 #Australia #ReginaArthurell #ReginaArthurell #transgender #murder #VenetMulhall #died #24 #YolishaSingh #PaulQuinn
Scorned lover allegedly vowed to kill NRL player’s brother for ‘stealing his girlfriend’ before running him down with his car outside a prison where the woman they fought over was getting out of jail…
#2021 #sport #Australia #NRL #JakeOpacic #died #accident #TomOpacic #StevenLatter #BenjaminJohnson #murder #RheannonRowe #CampbellMacCallum
Healthy Michigan boy, 13, dies in his sleep three days after receiving his second dose of Pfizer Covid vaccine as CDC launches investigation…
#2021 #medicine #science #COVID #vaccine #Michigan #JacobClynick #13 #died #causeunknown #TammyBurages #CDC
Russian porn star and OnlyFans model, 29, falls to her death from 22nd story apartment after telling friends she was lonely and wanted to start a family…
#2021 #media #influencer #OnlyFans #Russia #KristinaLisina #KristinatheFoxx #died #22
‘Grease’ actor Jeff Conaway’s death ruled accidental…
#2011 #media #CelebrityRehab #DrewPinsky #JeffConaway #died #overdose #17 #California #LosAngeles