David Koch, billionaire conservative activist and philanthropist, dies at 79
#2019 #finance #philanthropy #DavidKoch #died #JeffreyEpstein #pedophile #CharlesKoch #MIT #42 #twins
David Koch, billionaire conservative activist and philanthropist, dies at 79
#2019 #finance #philanthropy #DavidKoch #died #JeffreyEpstein #pedophile #CharlesKoch #MIT #42 #twins
Pictured: Landlady, 81, and her cat who were both killed inside luxury Hollywood villa by Katy Perry’s Scientologist ex-lover – and was he driven crazy by new designer hallucinogenic drug called ‘smiles’?
#2012 #LosAngeles #CatherineChabotDavis #died #81 #murder #KatyPerry #drugs #JohnnyLewis #accident #religion #Scientology
Tony-winning playwright Terrence McNally dies from coronavirus complications at 81
Marlon Wayans shares the sad news that his beloved mother Elvira has passed away with heartbreaking post on what would have been her 82nd birthday … as he turns 48 the same day
Legendary Batman comics writer Denny O’Neil dies at 81 of natural causes
#2020 #media #DennyONeil #died #81 #naturalcauses #DC #Marvel #StanLee
Country music icon Kenny Rogers dies of natural causes aged 81 as family is planning private service amid COVID-19 pandemic
#2020 #media #music #KennyRogers #died #naturalcauses #81 #Georgia #WandaMiller #JordanRogers #JustinRogers #twins #KennyRogersJr #55
Donna Douglas, the Beverly Hillbillies star who played Elly May Clampett, dies at 81
#2015 #media #DonnaDouglas #died #81 #cancer #BuddyEbsen #IreneRyan #MaxBaerJr #77 #ElvisPresley #RolandBourgeois #17 #RobertLeeds
Houston Texans founder and owner Robert McNair dies aged 81 after battle with leukemia and skin cancer
‘She fought valiantly and sacrificed her life for the freedom of the country’: Tributes are paid as Winnie Mandela, controversial anti-apartheid campaigner and ex-wife of Nelson, dies aged 81 after long illness
#2018 #politics #NelsonMandela #SouthAfrica #WinnieMandela #died #81
Queen’s former Master of Music Sir Peter Maxwell Davies who was one of world’s greatest composers dies aged 81 after long battle with cancer
#2016 #royalty #QueenElizabeth #MasterofMusic #PeterDavies #died #81 #cancer #UK
Oscar-winning Rocky director John G. Avildsen dies at age 81 in Los Angeles from pancreatic cancer
#2017 #media #JohnAvildsen #died #81 #cancer #LosAngeles #AnthonyAvildsen
Dick Dale, Guitar Legend who pioneered surf rock, dies aged 81 after lengthy battle with multiple illnesses
#2019 #media #music #DickDale #RichardMonsour #died #causeunknown #81 #SamBolle #LanaDale #QuentinTarantino
Patsy Cline’s widower dies aged 81 after decades championing her legacy
#2015 #media #music #CharlesDick #died #81 #Nashville #MacWiseman #PatsyCline #accident #Tennessee #HawkshawHawkins #CowboyCopas #RandyHughes
Jeremy Clarkson’s former Top Gear driver, 81, died along with his Alzheimer’s-hit wife, 72, when she forgot to stub out her cigarette and burned down their house
#2017 #media #JeremyClarkson #BBC #TopGear #BrianHazell #81 #died #EileenHazell #accident #AlisonMcCormick #StevenCook #UK #LukeWebb #TrevorWilliamson #JoshBrooks
Legendary illusionist Siegfried Fischbacher dies aged 81 at home in Vegas after battle with pancreatic cancer – less than a year after partner Roy passed
#2021 #media #SiegfriedFischbacher #died #81 #cancer #LasVegas #RoyHorn #COVID #75 #DoloreFischbacher #religion #DaveKirvin
Phil Spector died on Saturday at the age of 81
#2021 #media #music #PhilSpector #died #81 #naturalcauses #LanaClarkson #died #murder #LosAngeles
Disney’s legendary movie trailer voiceover artist Mark Elliott dies at 81 following multiple heart attacks
#2021 #media #Disney #MarkElliott #died #81 #heartattack #LosAngeles #CharlieVanDyke #CBS
‘Granny Ripper’, 81, who gave children sweets made from the flesh of her victims died of Covid before the end of her trial in Russia
#2021 #cannibalism #Russia #murder #SofiaZhukova #81 #died #COVID #AnastasiaAlexeenko #77
Friend of Bob Dylan, Sally Grossman, who appeared on his album cover and was at the center of enduring rock mystery over singer’s motorbike crash, dies aged 81
#2021 #media #music #SallyGrossman #SallyBuehler #died #81 #AlbertGrossman #accident #BobDylan #BearsvilleStudios #NewYork #13 #SaraLownds