Tag: 13

Why THIS man may hold the key to the last mystery of Princess Diana’s death… but still denies he was there: Driver of mystery Fiat Uno said to have collided with Di’s Mercedes seconds before disaster is tracked down to his new home


#2021 #royalty #PrincessDiana #died #13 #ScotlandYard #LeVanThanh #22 #HenriPaul #Ritz #GeorgesDauzonne #SabineDauzonne #TonyRead #JeanPaulAndanson #JamesAndanson #died #accident #77 #MohamedAlFayed #DodiAlFayed

Ohio family of four found dead on Father’s Day, cops probing as murder-suicide


A husband, wife and two children were fatally shot on Father’s Day in what investigators are probing as a murder-suicide in a home in a ritzy Ohio neighborhood, according to police and a local report. #NicholasMavrakis III #47 #LesleyMavrakis #37 #AceMavarakis #13 #PippaMavrakis #5 #died #murdersuicide #Ohio #PTSD #military #mentalhealth #2021

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