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‘The blood pumped from a still-beating heart is the purest form of energy’: Inside the horrific Mexican satanist ‘Black Mass’ with live sacrifices that shocked disgusted tourists…

#2015 #Mexico #blackmass #sacrifice #ritual #satanism #RandallSullivan #MichelleGomez #Beelzebub #EnriqueVerdon #SamuelCasella #JoyriRa #RoseliaBelli #witchcraft #ArturoZaruta #Lucifer #AlejandroMontes #GloriaEspina

‘He wanted to be a demon.’ How Satanist who killed two men and buried them in his own backyard boasted about murder, sacrificed rabbits in his bedroom and drank his girlfriend’s blood before finally taking his own life…

#2019 #religion #satanist #PazuzuAlgarad #JohnLawson #murder #suicide #NorthCarolina #MattFlowers #rape #rabbit #blood #Viceland #media #TheDevilYouKnow #JoshuaWretzler #TommyWelch #36 #died #AmberBurch #CynthiaJames #KrystalMatlock #17 #JohnnyJames #13

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