Blade Runner and True Blood star Rutger Hauer dies at 75 after suffering a brief illness
Hillary Clinton’s Best Friend Since Childhood Dies Suddenly at 72: ‘She Was Our North Star’…
#2019 #politics #BetsyEbeling #died #cancer #Illinois #HillaryClinton #TonyRodham
Triple Oscar-winning British animator Richard Williams behind Hollywood blockbusters Roger Rabbit and Pink Panther dies aged 86…
#2019 #media #RichardWilliams #died #cancer #RogerRabbit #PinkPanther #UK #ImogenSutton
Peter Fonda Dead at 79 After Respiratory Failure from Lung Cancer: ‘Please Raise a Glass to Freedom’…
#2019 #media #PeterFonda #died #cancer #LosAngeles #FrancesFordSeymour #suicide
Publicity shy half-blind Princess Christina of The Netherlands, 72, who recently lived in London dies after battle with bone cancer…
#2019 #royalty #PrincessChristina #Netherlands #died #cancer #QueenBeatrix
Tragedy as award-winning British composer, his BBC Proms star wife and their baby are killed in Swiss Alps plane crash…
#2019 #media #BBC #music #JonathanGoldstein #HannahGoldstein #died #accident #Switzerland
‘Fastest Woman On Four Wheels’ Jessi Combs Killed In Jet-Car Crash
‘I can’t imagine life without you’: Yolanda Hadid announces her mother Ans van den Herik has passed away at the age of 78 following cancer battle…
#2019 #media #Disney #YolandaHadid #55 #GigiHadid #MohamedHadid #BellaHadid #AnwarHadid #AnsvandenHerik #died #cancer
Eddie Money, ‘Two Tickets to Paradise’ Singer, Dies at 70
British actor John Shrapnel who starred in Notting Hill, Gladiator and The Waking Dead dies aged 77 after cancer battle
Larry Tesler cut and pasted from this mortal coil: That thing you just did? He probably invented it…
#2020 #tech #LarryTesler #died #causeunknown #Stanford #AI #Xerox #13 #Apple #Amazon #23andMe #Yahoo
Creator of iconic Lego figure Jens Nygaard Knudsen dead at 78…
#2020 #LEGO #JensNygaardKnudsen #died #ALS #NielsPedersen #Denmark #17
Revealed: Princess Anne’s friend sought solace in the arms of a wealthy Irish landowner when marriage collapsed before she was ‘shot dead by estranged husband’ on Boris Johnson’s family estate…
#2020 #royalty #DebbieZurick #died #murdered #JohnZurick #suicide #22 #UK #PrincessAnne #JamieRyan #BorisJohnson
Pee-wee’ star John Paragon’s cause of death revealed by coroner…
#CauseofDeath #cardiovasculardisease #chronic #JohnParagon #alcoholabuse #Jambi #PeeWeeHerman #died #2021
James Kaprielian has his chance for Yankees revenge at perfect time…
After six years, Yankees’ 2015 first-round draft pick James Kaprielian will finally make his Yankee Stadium debut. It will not be in pinstripes. The 27-year-old was selected by the Yankees 16th overall in the 2015 MLB Draft but was traded to the Oakland A’s in 2017 as part of the Sonny Gray deal. #JamesKaprielian #Yankees #OaklandAs #traded #SonnyGray #debut #revenge #baseball #sports #2021
Taylor Swift announces release date for her ‘version’ of ‘Red’ album…
Jake Gyllenhaal might want to steer clear of social media today.
Two months after Taylor Swift’s rollout of her re-recording of “Fearless,” the singer, 31, announced a release date for another do-over. #TaylorSwift #31 #JakeGyllenhaal #socialmedia #Fearless #music #Red #album #release #do-over #2012 #2021
Talent producer, 32, who worked on The Jeremy Kyle Show until it was axed last June has died…
#2020 #media #NatashaReddican #died #suicide #hanging #JeremyKyleShow #StevenDymond #63 #KirstyRowe #33
Joe Coulombe, founder of popular Trader Joe’s markets, dies…
#2020 #food #JoeCoulombe #died #causeunknown #LosAngeles #TraderJoes #Stanford
High-flying tattooed City trader James Harris who loved glamorous women, cocaine and his red Ferrari died at 42 after insider dealing career on two continents…
#2020 #finance #JamesHarris #died #42 #overdose #drugs #London #MichelleGomolin #OlcayGulsen #22 #EugeneGourevitch #MaksimBakiyev