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Pentagon CANCELS JEDI cloud contract with Microsoft that could have been worth $10 billion after Amazon claimed Trump interfered in bidding process…

The Pentagon said Tuesday it is canceling a cloud-computing contract with Microsoft that could eventually have been worth $10 billion and will instead pursue a deal with both Microsoft and Amazon. #Microsoft #Amazon #Pentagon #JEDICloud #canceling #10billion #technology #2021

Oliver Stone’s ‘JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass’ Documentary Sets Global Sales With Altitude – Cannes…

Joined by Academy Award-winning narrators Whoopi Goldberg and Donald Sutherland, as well as a team of forensics, medical and ballistics experts, historians, and witnesses, Stone presents evidence that in the Kennedy case, the “conspiracy theory” is now “conspiracy fact.” #OliverStone #IngeniousMedia #IxtlanProductions #PantagruelProductions #WhoopiGoldberg #DonaldSutherland #CannesVirtualMarket #Hollywood #2021

Lucille Ball’s scandalous past of nude photos and casting couches…

In the late 1950s, Darwin Porter, student body president at the University of Miami, arranged “Lucy & Desi” Day at the school, a celebration of the country’s most popular entertainers and favorite couple, Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz. But when he arrived to take them to the event, the snide and bickering couple he found resembled anything but America’s sweethearts. #LucilleBall #DesiArnaz #DarwinPorter #AmericasSweethearts #Lucy&RickyRicardo #hookers #gangsters #dancer #Cuba #model #CottonClub #JoanBlondell #actor #Hollywood #2021

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