‘Super Size Me 2’ Dropped by YouTube Red Following Morgan Spurlock’s Sexual Misconduct Confession usatoday.com/story/life/people/2… #2017 #media #MorganSpurlock #sexualmisconduct #Youtube #Sundance #WarriorPoets #JeremyChilnick #MatthewGalkin
Ari Behn dies at 47, marking third death this year of Kevin Spacey accusers: Details aol.com/article/entertainment/20… #2019 #media #AriBehn #died #suicide #MarthaLouise #GeirHakonsund #KevinSpacey #LindaCulkin #accident #sexualassault
Court finds Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill groped women, strips him of law license for 30 days indystar.com/story/news/politics… #2020 #politics #Indiana #CurtisHill #misconduct
Boyd Tinsley Of The Dave Matthews Band Accused Of Sexual Misconduct By Former Protégé usatoday.com/story/life/music/20… #2018 #media #music #DaveMatthews #BoydTinsley #sexualmisconduct #CrystalGarden #Washington #JamesFrostWinn
Roger Stone found guilty on all 7 counts abcnews.go.com/Politics/roger-st… #2019 #politics #RogerStone #DonaldTrump #RandyCredico #RobertMueller
Prince Andrew kicked out of Buckingham Palace over Jeffrey Epstein scandal nypost.com/2019/11/22/prince-and… #2019 #royalty #PrinceAndrew #JeffreyEpstein #pedophile #AmandaThirsk #fired #VirginiaGuiffre #GhislaineMaxwell
Sweden drops Julian Assange rape investigation theguardian.com/media/2019/nov/1… #2019 #politics #tech #Wikileaks #Sweden #JulianAssange #rape #EvaMariePersson #48 #London #22
Former Pecos High coach pleads guilty to rape santafenewmexican.com/news/local… #2019 #education #sport #NewMexico #PecosHigh #rape #DominickBaca #17 #TomClark #JasonLidyard
Former Royal Ballet star, 62, who performed with Freddie Mercury is facing prison for sexually abusing girl pupils from \’under 13 years old\’ dailymail.co.uk/news/article-759… #2019 #media #RoyalBallet #StephenBeagley #sexualabuse #13 #FreddieMercury #UK #ChristineLaing #17
Placido Domingo resigns from LA Opera after at least ten woman detail allegations of his sexual misconduct and say Spanish star\’s harassment was an open secret dailymail.co.uk/news/article-753… #2019 #media #music #resigned #PlacidoDomingo #LosAngeles #sexualmisconduct #LosAngelesOpera #MartaDomingo #PatriciaWulf #AngelaTurnerWilson
Jerry Sandusky Accused of Attempted Rape and Statutory Rape One Week Before Re-Sentencing lawandcrime.com/high-profile/jer… #2019 #JerrySandusky #rape #PennState #education #sexualassault #sport #WyattDuBois #Pennsylvania
Howard Rubin accused of reneging on settlement with alleged rape victim nypost.com/2019/10/14/howard-rub… #2019 #politics #HowardRubin #sexualabuse #SorosFundPortfolio #AshleyDuduk #AshleyAlexa #sexualassault #GeorgeSoros #JohnBalestriere #rape #NewYork #KevinLandau #EdwardMcDonald
\’The Devil You Know\’ explores self-proclaimed Satanist who suffered \’serious mental health issues\’ foxnews.com/entertainment/the-de… #2019 #Satanist #PatriciaGillespie #NorthCarolina #PazuzuAlgarad #JohnLawson #died #suicide #36 #Vice #murder #AmberBurch #JoshuaWetzler #TommyWelch #ritual #CynthiaJames
Aaron Carter says brother Nick\’s restraining order was retaliation for siding with alleged sexual assault victims foxnews.com/entertainment/aaron-… #2019 #media #music #AaronCarter #sexualassault #NickCarter #39 #MelissaSchuman #22 #AphroditeJones
Pennsylvania state Sen. Mike Folmer arrested on child porn charges nypost.com/2019/09/17/pennsylvan… #2019 #politics #arrested #MikeFolmer #cp #Pennsylvania #63 #sexualabuse #Tumblr
Howard Rubin sued again by another alleged sex abuse victim nypost.com/2019/09/26/howard-rub… #2019 #politics #HowardRubin #sexualabuse #SorosFundPortfolio #AshleyDuduk #AshleyAlexa #sexualassault #GeorgeSoros #JohnBalestriere #rape #NewYork
Ed Buck, Democrat donor, arrested, charged with running drug den after latest guest overdose foxnews.com/us/major-democratic-… #2019 #politics #EdBuck #drugs #overdose #LosAngeles #died #11 #SeymourAmster #GemmelMoore #TimothyDean #55
Police bust human trafficking racket, 8 arrested m.republicworld.com/india-news/g… #trafficking #india #childabuse #2021 #arrested #crime
Zheani officially files police report accusing Die Antwoord singer Ninja of sexual assault youredm.com/2019/09/20/zheani-of… #2019 #influencer #media #music #Australia #Zheani #DieAntwoord #Ninja #WatkinTudorJones #sexualassault #SouthAfrica #JaySavage #SonyATV #AndyButler
Cameron Ortis: Trudeau reassures allies amid alleged spying case bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-497… #2019 #politics #Canada #JustinTrudeau #CameronOrtis #RCMP #FiveEyes