dot life faces five new racial, gender bias lawsuits…
The women, ages 23 to 64, accused Amazon of favoring men over women in career growth, allowing supervisors to denigrate them and retaliating after they complained.

Two plaintiffs are Black, one is Latina, one is Asian-American and one is white. They filed their lawsuits in federal courts in Arizona, California, Delaware and Amazon’s hometown of Seattle. #tech #Amazon #lawsuit #Wigdor #civilrights #2021 #Arizona #California #Delaware #Washington

A Presbyterian minister in New Jersey has been accused of using several methods to extract evil from men, including oral sex, gems and exorcism. Dr. William Weaver, 69, has served as pastor in the city of Linden the last 39 years for Linden Presbyterian Church. In January, he was set to attend an internal church trial for accusations by three men of what the church called “multiple acts of idolatry and sexual conduct.”…

#2021 #religion #NewJersey #WilliamWeaver #69 #39 #LeslieDobbsAllsopp #AJMeeker #RobertFuggi

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