Tag: DJT

‘F*** Trump’: Rupert Murdoch personally made pivotal election night decision for Fox News to call Arizona early for Biden, claims Michael Wolff in his new book


Rupert Murdoch personally made the decision to allow Fox News to broadcast that it had called Arizona for Joe Biden in the 2020 election, a new book reveals. Donald Trump and his aides were furious when Fox News became the first network on election night to call Arizona for Biden. And the founder of News Corp. was behind the decision, revealed Michael Wolff in his forthcoming book ‘Landslide.’ #RupertMurdoch #Lachlan Murdoch #DJT #furious #earlycall #BidenoverTrump #2020 #election #political #scandal #Fox #1stnetworktocallit #MSM #crooked #2021

Newest Trump tower: Barron shows off his 6-foot-7 height in NYC


He’s the new Trump tower.

Teenage former first son Barron Trump was photographed in the Big Apple this week — towering over his 5-foot-11-inch mom, Melania.
The rarely photographed youngest son of former President Donald Trump is already 6 feet 7 inches tall — even though he only just turned 15. #BarronTrump #15 #DJT #Melania #youngest #6ft7 NYC #2021

Donald Trump: Gen. Mark Milley’s Greatest Fear Is Upsetting the Woke Mob


Former President Donald Trump slammed the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army Gen. Mark Milley, in a statement Wednesday, calling on him to resign and disputing an allegation in a book that Milley yelled at him in the Situation Room. #DJT #GenMilley #grovel #apologies #JointChiefs #BLM #not-in-charge #DefendsCriticalRaceTheory #military #coward #2021

Fauci fought Trump order to cancel research grant linked to Wuhan lab


The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director and his colleagues grappled with how to respond to the request in April 2020 to withhold the remaining $369,819 balance for nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance’s project studying coronaviruses. #Fauci #fought #DJT #revoke #grant #WuhanInstitute #April2020 #EcoHealthAlliance #April24 #HHS #WhiteHouse #COVID-19 #leak #lied #2020

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