Fauci fought Trump order to cancel research grant linked to Wuhan lab


The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director and his colleagues grappled with how to respond to the request in April 2020 to withhold the remaining $369,819 balance for nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance’s project studying coronaviruses. #Fauci #fought #DJT #revoke #grant #WuhanInstitute #April2020 #EcoHealthAlliance #April24 #HHS #WhiteHouse #COVID-19 #leak #lied #2020

Elton John adds final dates to ‘Farewell’ tour before officially retiring


Elton John is saying “Farewell” for the third time before officially retiring.

The pop legend, 74, has added several dates and begun selling pre-sale tickets for the third leg of his final tour, “Elton John Farewell Yellow Brick Road: The Final Tour.” #EltonJohn #74 #final #tour #farewell #NorthAmerica #Europe #Berlin #September #music #Covid #concerts #2022 #NewOrleans #Auckland #2023

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