Tag: ChamplainTowers

Miami firefighters risk their lives to drill through ceiling of collapsed 12-story condo basement to reach survivors in desperate search for NINETY NINE missing people as police open probe and dramatic footage emerges of its disintegration


#2021 #Florida #accident #99 #ChamplainTowers #13 #DaniellaCava #RichardClements #CharlesBurkett #55 #politics #SophiaMoreira #LuisPettengill #missing #MarioBenítez #SilvanaBenítez #AndresGalfrasconi #FabianNunez #KitMiyamoto #KobiKarp #BarryCohen #63 #SantoMejil

Building partially collapses near Miami Beach, rescues underway: officials


At least one person was killed and at least 10 others injured when a 12-story apartment building in Miami partially collapsed early Thursday, prompting a massive search-and-rescue effort — with one boy seen being pulled from the rubble.

#12-story #condo #tower #Miami #collapsed #1-died #10-injured #Surfside #oceanfront #ChamplainTowers #Kushner #neighborhood #2021

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